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HomePhong ThủyÝ Nghĩa Cây Trúc Nhật Trong Phong Thủy, Cách Trồng Tại Nhà...

Ý Nghĩa Cây Trúc Nhật Trong Phong Thủy, Cách Trồng Tại Nhà và Lưu ý

Japanese bamboo tree Often chosen to display and decorate in offices, gardens or even in homes, it has a positive meaning in feng shui. Today, Buy Sale invites readers to refer to this article to know how to grow and some notes when taking care of this plant!

I. Origin of Japanese bamboo tree

Japanese bamboo has the English name Deacaena surculosa Lindl, The origin of Japanese bamboo is mainly from Africa, some countries in tropical Central America and southern Asia. This plant is listed as a plant of the bamboo family, grows in the form of a bush and has many different names such as Truc Dom, Phat Du, Truc Thiet Quan Am, Bamboo Nhat Vang or bonsai.

Origin of Japanese bamboo
Origin of Japanese bamboo

This plant is considered an imported plant species to Vietnam and fortunately can adapt to the tropical monsoon climate of our country. In the next section, we will learn more about the characteristics of Japanese bamboo! Please continue reading.

This is considered an imported plant
This is considered an imported plant

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II. What are the characteristics of Japanese bamboo?

In this section, we will explore characteristics such as morphology and ecology of Japanese bamboo.

1. About form

  • Roots: the plant has a bunch of roots
  • Trunk: The tree has a bamboo-shaped trunk, so it is slender, with few branches, growing in bushes from 0.5 meters to a maximum of more than 2 meters.
  • Leaves: It is rhombic in shape and elongated, especially pointed at the ends. Very similar to bamboo leaves but more glossy and soft. Usually the color of the leaves is dark green (except Phat Du will have slightly yellow spots and slightly striped leaves)
  • Flowers: When about to bloom, the pistil will give off a scent to attract insects to pollinate the flower. In the flowering stage, it forms long white clusters Very beautiful, looks like a miniature lantern. When dying, the biological mechanism of flowers will secrete a sweet substance and this is a source of nutrition for animals such as ants, bees, flies, etc.
The shape of the Japanese bamboo flower
The shape of the Japanese bamboo flower

2. About ecology

  • Plants rarely suffer from pests and diseases, they need to be watered periodically every day 1-2 times
  • Growing Japanese bamboo can be by separating the mother plant or by cuttings. Can be grown on terraces, pots or hydroponics. Since the plant is shade-adapted, you need to be careful in choosing the time of sun exposure for the plant (usually from 7am to 9am).
  • The lifespan of the tree is classified as quite high (maybe from 7 to 10 years or more).
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About the ecology of trees
About the ecology of trees

III. Benefits of growing Japanese bamboo

When you grow this plant in your home, it will help the overall house to be more elevated and more luxurious. At the same time, the main function of the Japanese bamboo tree is to be a natural “air conditioner” to purify the air so that you can be cooler, lighter and more comfortable.

The Japanese bamboo tree is considered a natural regulator
The Japanese bamboo tree is considered a natural regulator

IV. The feng shui meaning of Japanese bamboo

The meaning of the Japanese bamboo tree in terms of feng shui is to eliminate toxic gases and exorcise evil spirits. Besides, this plant also has another meaning that is ivy, which means good luck, bringing a lot of luck – good luck to the owner.

With the extremely slender and tall body of the Japanese bamboo tree, many people believe that this tree represents the indomitable, tenacious, upright, brave but no less soft and flexible person. honorable man.

The image of the tree represents the indomitable, resilient
The image of the tree represents the indomitable, resilient

According to feng shui experts have commented that for people born in the year of the Rabbit (the Rabbit), the Japanese bamboo tree will be an amulet that brings good luck to them. People of this age need to put a Japanese bamboo tree in the house that will help homeowners on the road to prosper like a kite in the wind, investment opportunities – business profits are countless, happy families and good limitations. most of the bad luck, not auspicious.

Japanese Bamboo brings good luck to people aged Tip
Japanese Bamboo brings good luck to people aged Tip

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V. What is the fate of the Japanese bamboo tree?

At this point, readers may continue to wonder what is the fate of the Japanese bamboo in the five elements? Mua and Sale would like to reveal to you that the person with the Wood parity will be the most suitable for this tree because the green color of Truc Nhat will be in harmony with the person with the Wood sign.

This type of tree is suitable for people who are destined for Moc
This type of tree is suitable for people who are destined for Moc

When planting Japanese bamboo or even mAnother name is rattan bamboo, it will help people with Moc destiny to attract a lot of luck, which helps a lot for money, love, favorable in many aspects in life.

Another thing to note is that Japanese bamboo should be planted in the East, South or Southeast directions. Because of this, it can help homeowners in doing business, trading and investing will become convenient and successful.

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BECAUSE. Teach people how to plant and care for Japanese bamboo trees

Below are extremely detailed instructions on how to plant and care for Japanese bamboo trees in the most effective way. Readers need to read carefully and then can decide whether to plant Japanese bamboo or not.

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Begin with detailed instructions on how to plant and care for Japanese bamboo
Begin with detailed instructions on how to plant and care for Japanese bamboo

1. Instructions on how to grow Japanese bamboo at home

There are two ways to grow Japanese bamboo that are trusted by everyone, that is, separating from the main tree (mother tree) or using cuttings. Buy Sale will share details of these 2 ways for readers. Please continue to follow!

In case of separation from the parent bush:

This method, you will go through only 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Prepare high nutrient soil or a pot of hydroponic water (depending on the method you choose to grow Japanese bamboo in soil or in water)
  • Step 2: Choose a healthy mother plant and check and determine the bush that you want to separate
  • Step 3: Dig up the mother bush, remove the soil and separate the seedlings
  • Step 4: Take the seedlings and plug them into the soil or pot of water prepared in advance

For soil, after about 2 weeks, start fertilizing, but don’t fertilize right away because when separating, the roots of the plant are still quite weak, so they can’t absorb much. As for the case of growing in a pot of water, it is necessary to add a hydroponic solution to the plants to have nutrients.

Method of separating plants from large bushes (mother dust)
Method of separating plants from large bushes (mother dust)

For cuttings:

This method is much more difficult and requires meticulous, careful, detailed through the following 8 steps:

  • Step 1: Prepare a potting soil (including soil, coir and rice husk mixed with a fixed ratio of 1:1:1)
  • Step 2: Choose twigs, moderate (not too young or too old)
  • Step 3: Cut a part of the branch with about 4-5 leaves. Then remove all the soil and let the branches “rest” in a cool place
  • Step 4: Soak the branches in a solution that stimulates root growth
  • Step 5: Insert the branches of Japanese bamboo into the potting mix in step 1 and place in a well-ventilated place
  • Step 6: Water a relative amount of water to moisten the potting part
  • Step 7: Wait about 1 month for the plant to be stronger and then remove the cuttings from the pot to plant in pots
  • Step 8: Cultivate more soil for plants and water the amount of water to moisten the soil as well as for plants to absorb and grow
8 steps of the cutting method
8 steps of the cutting method

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2. How to take care of Japanese bamboo trees

The best time to take care of that tree is from 7am to 9am (take the plant to an area with light for photosynthesis) and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m (irrigation or pruning of trees). Time from 10 am to 15 pm then should not Leave the Japanese bamboo under sunlight because it will quickly wilt and lead to death.

The suitable temperature for plants to grow is from 24-28 degrees Celsius
The suitable temperature for plants to grow is from 24 to 28 degrees Celsius

In terms of irrigation, the ideal time to provide water for plants is from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The amount of irrigation is also specified as for trees under 1m2 then irrigate a jug of water (1 L capacity) and the tree is tall 1m2, watering 2 shifts to ensure soil moisture and absorption of Japanese bamboo.

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Fertilizer is also a necessary condition for the plant to grow to its fullest potential. You can periodically apply organic fertilizer about once a month to help the Japanese bamboo plant absorb and develop parts such as the trunk will be stronger, the leaves will be green, the roots will be longer.

Fertilize just enough for the tree
Fertilize just enough for the tree

Note about organic fertilizer time should usually be spaced from 2-3 weeks to ensure the absorption of nutrients by the plant roots. Because if improper fertilizer application will adversely affect the plant such as yellow leaves, easy to fall, leaves appear brown patches (referred to as burning leaves).

If a tree is detected that the leaves are yellow, wilted, and wilted, it is necessary to immediately handle it, which is to move the tree into the shade, avoid direct sunlight, avoid strong winds blowing through, and loosen the soil. Air can flow into the roots of Japanese bamboo, providing a little more water just enough moisture for the tree.

Instructions on how to take care of plants are extremely detailed
Instructions on how to take care of plants are extremely detailed

3. Things to keep in mind when growing Japanese bamboo at home

Besides, when growing Japanese bamboo at home, you need to pay attention to some details such as:

  • It is necessary to have poles to support or a fixed frame on the trunk when the Japanese bamboo tree has grown (in the case of 1m8 or more) to prevent the tree from falling.
  • Besides growing plants in the ground, you can experience a more interesting way of growing that is to grow bamboo in hydroponics form and periodically change the water from 2-3 weeks/time
  • It is very important that the plants should only be watered in the early morning or evening for maximum absorption. Avoid watering the plant at noon because it will cause heat shock to the plant, leading to wilting and death.
Need to carefully review the notes before planting Japanese bamboo
Need to carefully review the notes before planting Japanese bamboo

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The article has been shared quite fully for readers on the topic Japanese bamboo tree What is a tree and related information about this plant. Hope you have pocketed more for yourself an extremely useful new knowledge. Don’t forget to follow page to be able to update new articles with loads of interesting content about different aspects of life such as car knowledge, real estate law, feng shui, experience sharing. … is posted every day!

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