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The process of replacing the altar always requires the right procedures and no step should be missed from the tray to the altar offerings to replace the new altar. So what is the process like? Together Purchase Find out through this article!

The latest changing table offerings 2023
The latest changing table offerings 2023

I. New altar worship

First, we will learn about the 2 latest offerings for the altar and have been passed on to each other by many homeowners, including the vow to set up an altar and the altar of incense. Readers can refer to the following:

Some of the most commonly used altar offerings today
Some of the most commonly used altar offerings today

1. An offering to replace the altar with the new ancestor

This worship is also known as the vow to set up an altar. This name is derived from the meaning of “vong bai”, which means bowing from afar. The altar was set up so that the descendants after living far from their homeland to do business, earn a living, and set up a business can’t return to their hometown for the late death anniversary so they can set up an altar to worship their ancestors.

The offering to replace the new altar in the form of a vow to set up an altar of hope has the following content:

An offering instead of a new song for the altar of ancestors
New altar worship for the ancestors altar

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2. Worshiping song to replace the new altar – Van vows an incense bowl

We will continue to learn about the new altar offering according to the written vows of peace and incense. This prose is a little more complicated, but if you read it carefully, you can see that it is very detailed and expresses solemnity and sincerity.

The ritual of placing a new incense bowl on the altar is usually performed when the new ancestral church is inaugurated or the old incense bowl is chipped, cracked, or used for too long. This ritual means asking the ancestors’ permission to change the old incense bowl into a new one, creating a cleaner and more solemn space for the altar. This is considered as the fulfillment and respect for ancestors. Many people believe that this will help the family be blessed and better supported in life.

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  • The content of the sample prayer is as follows:
New-age table replacement - Van vows peace with bowl of incense
New-age table replacement in the form of a prayer for peace of mind with a bowl of incense

II. Prayer to replace the altar to the new house

This vow is quite complicated and requires the homeowner to be sincere and when making the vows, it needs to be read aloud and fully. That meaning is to hope that the ancestors can bless their descendants in every way, whether they succeed or fail. This new altar is often used when homeowners move the altar to a new house

Below will be an offering to replace the new altar from the old house to the newest house according to feng shui standards. Please read to follow:

Worshiping article dedicated to moving the altar from the old house to the new house
Worshiping article dedicated to moving the altar from the old house to the new house

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III. When does the homeowner need to build a new altar?

Besides learning about the new altar, homeowners also need to know when to build a new altar:

  • The ancestral altar shows signs of being too old and damaged, not suitable for family worship
  • The owner and family members move to a new place and the old altar has deteriorated or is not suitable for the whole new house.
  • The family wishes to have a new altar to meet its needs and aspirations, especially for those doing business and investing to attract fortune and luck into the house.
  • The owner wants to change feng shui, creating a new space for the church.
When does a homeowner need to start replacing the new altar?
When does a homeowner need to start replacing the new altar?

IV. On what day to replace the ancestral altar?

In addition to preparing offerings to replace the new altar and full offerings, homeowners need to carefully consider the time of worship to replace the new altar to avoid choosing bad time frames in feng shui.

This is very important because it can directly affect the luck, fortune and luck of the owner and all family members. Homeowners need to pay attention to factors such as date, time, clock and direction of the house to choose the best time for the replacement of a new altar.

Choosing a date to build a new altar is extremely important
Choosing a date to build a new altar is extremely important

First, it is necessary to avoid hung and bad days in feng shui. In addition, the age of the owner will also affect the selection of a good day. For more peace of mind, you can seek advice from people with spiritual experience to be able to choose the most suitable date and time.

New altar replacement - Need to avoid the days of the year, the year of the three ears
New altar worshiping song – Need to avoid the days around, the year of the three ears

Usually, many people will choose on the 1st and 23rd of December or the full moon day (lunar calendar) of each month to replace the ancestors’ altar.

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You can choose the 1st or the full moon, the 23rd of December to change the altar
You can choose the 1st or the full moon, the 23rd of December to change the altar

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V. The offering tray replaces the new altar

The offerings that homeowners need to prepare before replacing the new altar include:

  • A plate of sticky rice and a boiled chicken (some places will substitute pork)
  • Fresh flower vase
  • A plate of areca, 3 betel leaves and 3 glasses of white wine
  • Money – gold, incense, candles
  • 1 plate of rice salt
  • New altar worship
  • A cup of clean water
  • One set of yellow paper robes, one set of red ones (used as offerings to the lords of the earth and the land of the earth)
  • 2 paper horses with full hijabs and hats
New altar worshiping song - Prayers need to be fully prepared
Worshiping for the replacement of the new altar – The offering needs to be fully prepared

After fully arranging the offerings, the owner will begin to burn incense and perform the ceremony to replace the new altar. However, to ensure the completion of the new altar replacement ceremony to the fullest extent and avoid taboo errors, Mua and Sell advises you to seek the advice of experienced shamans in this field.

Avoid taboo errors when the ceremony is taking place
Avoid taboo errors when the ceremony is taking place

BECAUSE. How to conduct the ceremony of changing the new altar

In addition to providing new altar replacement offerings, Mua Sell will show you the steps to perform the new altar replacement ceremony:

  • Preparation of the offerings should be above all, cover up and especially need to have an offering to replace the new altar to pray.
  • The costume that the owner wears needs to be polite and neat because this is considered a ritual, so it needs sincerity and seriousness.
  • Homeowners watch until the time of the zodiac (or the time suitable for their age) to burn incense and pray and read offerings instead of the new table (including the altar of ancestors, the altar of Buddha, the altar of Mr. Than Tai – Mr. Dia)
New altar worship - Steps to perform the ceremony
The new altar replacement and the steps to conduct the ceremony
  • After reading the offering to replace the new altar, the householder will bow to return the thanksgiving offering. Then wait for the incense to fade and start to turn golden, and finally move the altar
  • When the process is completed, the owner will place a new incense bowl on the altar. There is a note that the incense bowl needs to be wrapped with red cloth to avoid exposure and create favorable conditions for the yin soldiers to reside.

VII. Things to note when replacing the new ancestral altar

There are a few things that homeowners need to know besides learning about new altar offerings:

  • It is necessary to agree on a specific time before starting the ceremony
  • Proceed to clean up the old altar to pray to the ancestors to replace the altar
  • Avoid the days of the pulse, the year of the three ears, the day of the killer, the day of death
  • Choose the most suitable zodiac hour
  • So ask for the yin and yang hexagram before replacing the ancestral altar
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New altar worship - Some notes that homeowners need to keep in mind to avoid great cavalry
New altar replacement with some notes that homeowners need to keep in mind to avoid great cavalry
  • Offering before and after the ceremony
  • The location of the new altar needs to choose a good direction, suitable for the owner
  • Clean the altar after replacing the new one
  • In case the owner only wants to offer to transfer the incense bowl and other offerings are abandoned, he will turn ashes and bury all the ashes in the ground in the garden or release in the river. As for the objects that cannot be ash, the owner can donate to the temple.

VIII. Instructions on how to handle the old altar

After learning about the new altar, Buy and Sell will guide you through 3 simple ways to help homeowners choose to dispose of the old altar, including:

1. Ashes the whole old altar

According to the spiritual concept, everything is born from dust and will eventually return to dust. Therefore, the carpentry altar will need to be ash with Fire to return to its origin. Ashing is considered to be in harmony with earth and sky in feng shui and is one of the popular methods to clear old energy and create favorable conditions for new energy to come.

Ashing is one of the oldest spiritual concepts
Ashing is one of the oldest spiritual concepts

2. Donate to temples or merit organizations:

Many people believe in using it because they believe that donating will help increase the virtue of themselves and their families in the future. In addition, donating old altars to religious organizations also gives homeowners the opportunity to join hands in volunteer work and contribute to the community.

It is also a good thing to donate to temples or merit organizations
It is also a good thing to donate to temples or merit organizations

3. Sell ​​directly to people in need

For the owner, this altar is associated with memories and has special spiritual value, ashing or donating may not be the optimal choice. Direct selling can also bring income to the homeowner, and at the same time give buyers the opportunity to buy altars at a cheaper price than buying new. However, the owner should consider carefully before selling to make sure the altar will be properly maintained and worshiped.

New altar replacement - Reselling is also a way to handle the old altar
New altar replacement – Reselling is also a way to handle the old altar


This article has shared extremely detailed information with readers on the topic new altar worship Latest update at the moment. Hope you will use this new altar when you want to move the altar to a new location. Don’t forget to visit page to see more new articles related to many aspects of life such as feng shui, real estate, and experience sharing that are posted continuously every day.

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