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HomePhong ThủyTam Hợp Tuổi Thìn Gồm Con Giáp Nào? Tính Cách Và Vận...

Tam Hợp Tuổi Thìn Gồm Con Giáp Nào? Tính Cách Và Vận Mệnh Ra Sao?

The Trinity is one of the topics of great interest in spirituality and feng shui. Learning about the Dragon triad helps you to know the compatibility in relationships. Through this article, Purchase will help you learn about the personality of Triangle of the year of the Dragon and what you need to know about this triad. Let’s follow along!

The age of the Dragon - Monkey - Rat in feng shui
The three unions of the Dragon – Monkey – Rat years in feng shui

I. What year was the Dragon born?

What year the Dragon was born is a question often asked in spirituality and feng shui. Here is a list of birth years corresponding to each Dragon person that you can refer to:

  • Age of Dragon: 1940, 2000, 2060…
  • Age of Dragon: 1952, 2012, 2072…
  • Dragon’s Age: 1964, 2024, 2084…
  • Year of the Dragon: 1976, 2036…
  • Year of the Dragon: 1988, 2048…

From knowing the year of birth, it is possible to learn the personality and qualities through the Dragon triad and from there, make decisions that are suitable for life.

Year of birth of the Dragon
Year of birth of the Dragon

See also: What is Giap Thin 1964? Reveal feng shui about this birth year

II. What is a triangle?

According to feng shui, the 12 zodiac animals are divided into 4 different subgroups. In each small group, there will be 3 animals with similarities and harmony in personality, suitability and relatedness to each other. Three animals in the same group are called triads.

The distance between the animals in the trio is 4 years, and with such a gap, it is believed that the animals belonging to the trio will tend to be “coordinating in harmony, in harmony with each other”, they are have similar personalities, goals, and ideals in life.

The trio consists of 3 animals with similar characteristics
The trio consists of 3 animals with similar characteristics

Possessing a similar personality will help the animals in the trio easily get along and understand each other better. In addition, triad groups have good compatibility and always support each other in life. This also means that their relationships including business and marriage will be well developed, favorable and achieve much success.

III. How to calculate a triangle?

The calculation of the three combinations in feng shui is based on the principle of the five elements yin and yang. The 12 zodiac animals will be divided into 6 yin chis including Ox, Mao, Snake, Mui, Rooster, Pig and 6 yang chis including Rat, Dan, Thin, Horse, Than, Tuat.

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Calculate the age of the triangle based on the five elements yin and yang
Calculating the Dragon triad based on the five elements yin and yang

The elements in the corresponding order will be paired with the five elements according to the birth cycle of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood to find the triads.

Specifically, with 12 addresses, we have 4 sets of triads as follows:

  • The first triad is the Fire Department, including the years of Tiger – Horse – Tuat (same sound). In which, starting from the Tiger branch of the Wood element, to the Horse of the Fire element, and ending at the Tuat of the Earth element.
  • The second triad is Woody, including the ages of Pig – Rabbit – Goat (together with yang). In which, starting from the Pig in the Water element, to the Rabbit in the Wood element and ending at the Mui in the Earth element.
A total of 4 sets of triads
A total of 4 sets of triads
  • The third triad is the Water Department, including the years of the Dragon – Than – Rat (same sound). In which, starting from the Body of the Kim element, to the Rat of the Water element and ending at the Thin branch of the Tho element.
  • The final triad is Kim Cu, including the years of the Snake – Rooster – Ox (together yang). In which, starting from the Snake in the Fire element, to the Rooster in the Kim element and ending at the Ox in the Earth element.

IV. Things you need to know about the Dragon – Monkey – Rat year triangle

Continuing with the Dragon triad, Mua and Sell will give you an overview of the actions and characteristics of the Dragon triad. Please follow along through the two titles below:

1. What are the three elements of the age of the Dragon – Body – Rat?

According to the principle of the Five Elements of Yin and Yang and the way to calculate the age of the Three Hop, it is possible to identify the three zodiacs of the Dragon age, including the three zodiac signs of the Dragon, the Rat and the Than, and belong to the third triad – the Water Department Quy Than.

Starting from Chi Than belongs to the Kim element, symbolizing perseverance, perseverance and determination. People born in the year of the Monkey are also considered to be honest, sincere and devoted. However, they are quite stubborn, conservative and difficult to accept the opinions of others.

The Monkey age belongs to the Kim element and the Rat year belongs to the Water element
The Monkey age belongs to the Kim element and the Rat year belongs to the Water element

Next is Chi Ty of the Water element, representing intelligence, sensitivity and flexibility. People born in the year of the Rat have a delicate personality, talented intellect and love independence and self-control. However, sometimes they may lack confidence and assertiveness, refusing to face life’s challenges.

And ends with Chi Thin of the Earth element, a symbol of courage and decisiveness. People born in the year of the Dragon are enthusiastic and ready to face difficulties. However, people born in the year of the Dragon often lack insight, so they sometimes make wrong judgments and decisions.

The year of the Dragon belongs to the Earth element
The year of the Dragon belongs to the Earth element

See also: What is the age of the Rat in 1984? All things to know about Giap Rat year 1984

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2. Characteristic characteristics of the Dragon – Monkey – Rat year triad

Following the article, the next section let’s learn about the advantages and disadvantages in the character of the Dragon trio:

  • Advantage:

The three zodiac signs of the Year of the Dragon, the Rat, and the Monkey are the three zodiac signs with perseverance, responsibility, determination and steadfastness in their goals. When this triad is determined to accomplish something, they will not hesitate to work hard and strive to achieve it.

People of the persistence group tend to prefer actions, not just words. Their personality is also highly appreciated for their honesty and kindness, always ready to help those around them in difficulties and tribulations. That’s why this trio of Dragons is loved by many people.

Perseverance and high responsibility are the advantages of the three dragons
Perseverance and high responsibility are the advantages of the three dragons

The communication ability of this Dragon triad is quite good, so they have many friends and business relationships. This helps the trio to achieve more success in life and work.

Another advantage of the Dragon – Rat – Body age group is that it has a resilient mind, abundant energy, enthusiasm, is not afraid to break through and has great determination.

  • Defect:

In addition to the outstanding advantages in personality, this trio also has some disadvantages that need to be changed. People of the Dragon – Rat – Monkey age triad often have too many ideas and lack the perseverance to implement to the end. They have a desire to do big things, so they often pass up small opportunities in the early stages.

This group of people are people with good communication skills and courageous and determined personalities. This also causes them quite a disadvantage in life. They themselves are not good at flattery, like to think whatever they say and are not good at deep calculations.

High self-esteem is the weakness of the Dragon triad
High self-esteem is the weakness of the Dragon triad

In addition, they also have quite high self-esteem, which sometimes makes others feel uncomfortable and jealous. This triad has attention-grabbing and disparaging attributes, and often has trouble avoiding worse situations.

Therefore, in order to face these difficult situations, people born in the year of the Dragon – Rat – Monkey need to stay calm and handle things wisely and carefully.

IV. The compatibility of the Dragon with the Monkey and the Rat

1. Dragon age and Monkey age

The combination of the Dragon and the Monkey years in the Dragon – Rat – Monkey trio is a great combination because their personalities have many things in common. When they work together, they are often very consistent and focused on their goals.

With an ambitious personality, the Dragon year cherishes many great plans and these plans are often supported and supported by Than’s enthusiastic support. Than has good thinking and management skills, always supporting and finding solutions to difficult problems in life to help Dragon.

For that reason, the Dragon himself highly appreciates Than’s agility and cunning, while Than admires the Dragon’s strength and courage.

The combination of Dragon and Monkey age is very wonderful
The combination of Dragon and Monkey age is very good

In business, if Dragon and Than know how to promote their good points and support each other, they can achieve great success in their careers and no difficulty can stop them.

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In love, Than and Thin are a natural couple, it is difficult to separate the feelings of this couple. Their similarity in personality enables them to work together, take care of their families, and work towards a common goal. The intelligent, skillful, and delicate personalities of the Monkey and the Dragon can complement each other and make the couple’s family life full of joy and happiness.

The Dragon and the Monkey year always support each other in business and love
The Dragon and the Monkey year always support each other in business and love

See more: How does the Monkey age support each other in life?

2. Dragon and Rat years

When working together, the Dragon and Rat year couple will complement and enhance each other’s strengths and abilities effectively and unexpectedly. The combination of the Dragon’s prolific energy and the Rat’s flexibility and ingenuity will help them overcome difficulties and develop better in life.

Rat admires, feels attracted by the energy and enthusiasm of the Dragon. Meanwhile, people born in the year of the Dragon are always willing and enthusiastic to help, support and protect the Rat. Both respect each other in both work and life.

The Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Rat are a couple born in heaven
The Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Rat are a couple born in heaven

In terms of personality, people born in the year of the Dragon have many thoughts about plans and plans of great stature and often focus on important things. Meanwhile, people born in the year of the Rat have intelligence, ingenuity and the ability to care about small details. When combined, this pair can offset and support each other.

In the triad, the Rat belongs to the element Thuy and the Thin element belongs to the element Tho. Tho is the opposite of Thuy, but both have the ability to create nutrients for plants to grow and thrive. In this relationship, the Dragon and the Rat have equality, clear division of their roles and know how to give for each other’s benefit.

The Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Rat have similar personalities
The Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Rat have similar personalities

People belonging to the year of the Dragon and the year of the Rat will form a suitable couple because their personalities and interests are similar. Both are assertive, fair and respectful of each other. At the same time, this couple is also the type of person with a cheerful and optimistic personality in life. When they are together, they give each other the freedom and comfort that makes for a happy and joyful relationship.

The above article has shared and provided you with useful feng shui information about Triangle of the year of the Dragon, explaining the relationship and suitability of the trio of the zodiacs Thin – Rat – Than together. Hopefully, through this article, you will have more knowledge and understanding about feng shui, helping you apply it in your life. See you in the next useful articles on feng shui and horoscopes on the page

See more:

  • What is the Rabbit Age? How’s the year of 2023 of the Three Hop Age of the Rabbit?
  • What is the Rooster Triad? All about the trio of Intellectuals
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